
Walking and biking like a boss.

Posted on: Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dear Mallory,

This is me riding my bike. If I hadn't been concentrating so hard on taking a video while riding it [helmet-less! AH], you probably would have heard a giggle or a "Whoop!" or something else equally as joyful.

Her name is Lucy!

For now, know that the car situation is at a stalemate. I am still walking to work [because I am helmet-less] and packing a change of clothes, shoes, my flat iron, my make-up bag... Basically anything that will make me appear less sweaty and frizzy compared to when I first arrive at work [it is a sight to see]. And I think you're right, you know? Using my powers of Independence and Pluck, walking isn't so bad. My legs feel the burn, I get to spend a solid half hour in the fresh air, and I get alone time--something very sacred to me [as you know]. I've had to cancel a few doctors appointments, as Aaron's schedule is not flexible whatsoever, but aside from that I kind of love telling people, "I don't have a car." The looks on their faces? Incredible. They look scared and kind of sorry for me. While I feel kind of sorry for them and a sense of pride.

I guess that's the best part, boasting about my lack of wheels. Plus, like I said, my butt thanks me.

If I could bike anywhere, I would have to vote for my favorite bar, Eleven Eleven. They have a pretty great vegan melt sandwich and Aaron really likes the beer selection. Afterwards I would probably want to continue on to one of my favorite parks in town. Which would necessitate a book and a blanket and my sunglasses. In fact, this may be happening around my 5 year [whoa, more on that later] wedding anniversary [mayhaps I will purchase a bike for Aaron?! He's obsessed].

What's your favorite place to go with your bike? Where do you think you will take Harry on his first bike ride? Do you have a helmet? If so, would you recommend the brand? I'm looking at Nutcases and I have to say this one is a beaute. I also really want a basket. Or a nice saddle bag situation. And if only this bag wasn't so pricey...

I look forward to your response. Right now I'm biking around my 'hood aimlessly, listening to older men yell things like, "Nice bike! You look good riding it!" Ooo-kay, sir. Thanks? I need to stop riding in circles, apparently.



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