You are so welcome.
And I've never put much emphasis on doing things; I think it's overrated. My favorite thing to do with friends is make tea/coffee/an alcoholic beverage, sit on a comfortable couch, and talk. I know that's so cliche and girly and stereotypical, but it's true. Those are the memories that will stay with me. So I think our weekend "activities" were perfect! Popcorn + chatting. Tea + chatting. Sitting on the floor with Harry + chatting.
I can't get over your kid.
It's not that I don't like doing, sometimes that's really what you need, a friend to help you get out of the house and explore. But when meeting up with a friend that I haven't seen in a looong time--like you!--low-key time spent chatting and baking and laughing while watching "The Heat" is exactly what is needed. I know you needed a friend to listen and I needed a friend to laugh with--a month spent with my husband driving through mountains and cleaning houses and navigating rental agreements is great and all, but I was desperately in need of girl time!
And I am always in search of the opportunity to just be. It was a great weekend to practice being.
The way he watches you is so cute.
And we will definitely have to meet up again soon! Jon included! I have no idea what we would share with you... Probably The Fold. Have you ever been there? It's this fairly new restaurant with overpriced margaritas and the perfect tacos. Like, perfect. And I would want to take a stroll on the Riverwalk. Actually, I think we would be desperate for a walk. Our place is fairly tiny and I think we would need fresh air--dogs and baby included! Aside from those things, though, I think Scrabble and good food and video games [for the guys? Or would it be sports? Or both?] would be the perfect weekend activities. And when I say "good food" you know I'm implying Jon and Aaron spend some time in the kitchen. With their mutual love of food and cooking, I'm interested to see what they would serve up.
And here is the weekly round-up of links we need to share:
- The cookies we made from Averie cooks.
- The best tumblr site for bookworms like me [and you]!
- You've probably already seen this, but it's the best.
And from Mallory:
- I was so inspired by this post. Today is the day. Today can be tomorrow, or later, or when I have more time. I need to think like that more often.
- I am 100% filing this away for the day Harry wants to dress up as a Star Wars character.
- Is it too ridiculous to make this big enough for both Harry AND I to play in?
Have a stellar weekend, Mallory.
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