
Habits to Keep, Habits to Break

Posted on: Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dear Amy,

I love this topic! I, like you, am driven by some weird sense of perfectionism. I want to be perfect. Luckily, in the last year or so, my idea of "perfect" has changed drastically. In fact, my idea if perfect is indeed flawed. No one is perfect, nor should we be. It's the imperfections that are our quirks. But this shift in the idea of perfectionism has come at a point in my life where I needed to do so, because I just don't have enough hands to catch all the balls that are being tossed around in my life.

I really think this helps my self-confidence too. I've always had a weirdly high self image. Sure, there have been many days when my hair was not right, my jeans too tight, my face too oily, my hands too dry. But I've always had a go-getter attitude, thinking I could pretty much do whatever I wanted to, as long as it was related to the amount of work I put into it. And I wanted to do that work. But, this past year I have been able to let go of some of my flaws and really feel good about myself.

Do you think it's easy to control your self-confidence or no? I think I'm a little weird in this case.

Anyway. Habits. Habits to break and habits to continue strengthening.

Laughing with this kid. Easy as pie.
1. Laughing. It's an easy one, and is it really a habit? I don't know. But finding the humor in the situation. Life with a baby can be exhausting and hard. Life with a deployed spouse can be depressing and difficult. But life in general, is good. I have my moments, but overall, I've been proud of my resiliency, and it's a good habit I want to keep building upon.

2. Staying active. I have to. I go crazy if I don't get my workout in. My run. My activity. I've always been a gym rat, and I have that to thank for the quick release of my baby weight (and then some). I'd really love to get back to yoga though. I miss it like crazy and my back does too.

I'm teaching him a life off the couch from a young age. I hope I can do it in a way that is healthy.
3. Eating right. Since Harry was born, I've made a real effort to eat real food. Nothing processed, not a lot of simple carbs or sugars, just clean, healthy food. Stuff that you can pick or kill. I feel SO GOOD. I definitely want to keep it up.

4. Peanut butter. Yes, this is a habit. I eat it all the time. I go through a mason jar every 3-4 days. It's so yummy. And yes, I could be eating much worse things, especially since I make my own peanut butter so I know exactly what I'm eating. But I'm eating too much of it. And I need to work on breaking the habit. And while we're at it, yogurt. Again, something good and healthy… unless your lactose intolerant (guilty). It's just so good!

5. My attitude with the military. I'm working on it. It's not great. And a habit I'm trying to instill is to stop complaining about it. 'Nuff said.

Okay, so how about one fluff resolution. One thing you'd love to do next year. You're not going to be held to this; it's just for fun. I think mine would be learning to knit (can you teach me!?).


PS I'm so proud of your gym going. I love inspiring others to get physical. Doesn't it feel good?!


  1. You ladies. Very inspiring. I have habits too! Here we go (I hope your interested. If not here we go anyway)

    1. Working out - I work out everyday but if I miss 1 or 2 days because of something silly Its harder for me to get back into it. I also get sick of the same routine. In everything, so working out is one challenge where I have to be able to switch it up enough to not feel bored. More running outside and rock climbing and yoga and less work out videos (even though those things kick my BUTT and I've never seen my abs so much, but still...)

    2. One habit I'm determined to break is my indirectness. I am very indirect in situations that make me uncomfortable. I will take the blame for 90% of things even if I don't believe I'm in the wrong. I am going to be more direct. I think it goes hand in hand with confidence.

    3. Finally I am going to make it more of a habit to establish a legitimate photography business for myself already. Gosh.

    Love you girls.

    1. Do it. Keep those habits and break em and make em. You've got my support girl. XO


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