
I'm not too keen on the end of summer.

Posted on: Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Oh Mallory,

That dinner looks absolutely dreamy. I love the idea of a twinkle light festooned backyard, but I would want something more permanent installed. How great would it be to have a space like that year round? I’m not one for hosting dinners. Hosting anything causes anxiety and general nerves and my self-diagnosed OCD kicks in and it’s just an emotional disaster [but look as cool as a cucumber on the surface!], so I commend your dreaming. You are probably a great host. If I wasn’t invited to that dinner, I would crash it [I’m not really a party crasher. I like to imagine I am, but I’m not]. You’ve been warned.

Also, you know I’m expecting you to report back with your cookie recipe findings, right? Good. I think I have a recipe you need to throw into the mix, too; Joy the Baker has a recipe I’m obsessed with here.

You want to know what I’m looking forward to after summer ends? That’s a good question.

At the moment, I’m really looking forward to just arriving in freaking Arkansas already. Moving and planning and budgeting and packing and… I just need it all to end and arrive. Normally, I enjoy the journey and the adventures we plan [like camping on our road trip, which is going to be a blast], but right now I can’t look past the practically, necessary, logical things that are cropping up and it’s stressing me out!

I’m looking forward to reapplying for grad school. YAY! to new pencils and notebooks and lectures and paper writing and projects. Seriously. My inner nerd is flipping out [or at least that’s what my stomach feels like right now].

I’m looking forward to living closer to MI. For the past three years our only logical mode of transportation to see family was an airplane. If we wanted a long vacation, we weren’t able to drive home. Taking four days to drive to MI from WA is illogical in terms of time and finances. Now we can drive if we really, really want to! Hallelujah! 

 I guess I'm excited about the vertical garden I'm planning.

Aside from that, I’m honestly a bit stressed out about the end of summer. As I’m sure you are, too, but for different reasons. I’m trying to remain positive but it’s really hard when everything is an unknown. What are you looking forward to [or trying to look forward to]? Have you started on your self-imposed cookie challenge? I need to know how it’s going.



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