

Posted on: Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hey there Amy.

(Like how I started that like we didn't neglect this blog for like a year?)

As you know, I've missed this space and this capacity of chatting with you. Like, so much. So I'm glad to be back. I can't even dive into life right now. Too much to catch up on, so let's keep it light for a post or two.

My hair. Does nothing.
Your haiiir! To be honest, I wasn't a huge advocate of the partially shaved head on girls trend until you pulled it off in a big way. You changed my mind. I love it, and I'm insanely jealous that your hair just looks that amazing on its own. (Well with a little curling DAYS previously.) I'm also super inspired and secretly (not so secretly) really terrified of your "it's just hair, it'll grow back" attitude. I get frozen in fear the second I decide I am going to do something with my hair. And then I end up doing nothing. And hating it. I'm at that point right now.

So here we go, I need advice. I need a hair cut. I need help deciding. So here are a few options, please, please weigh in? And I'm even going to welcome a write in candidate if you have one. Or vote for one of these. Or two of them combined. I just need help. PLEASE?

Okay. There are pros and cons to each of these, but I'm not going to talk your ear off, because I'm trying to have your attitude and just do it. And you're SO right! There is something about a good haircut that makes you feel so good about yourself. I am still trying to find my style. I think I've spotted it, but it's still not in my closet. I just need to do it.

On that note, can we talk about capsule wardrobes? I'm really interested, especially after listening to this awesome podcast. I want to hear what you think about it before I weigh in with my thoughts. But spoiler: I'm tempted...

I've missed you too! I can't wait to hear back from you.

XOXOX Mallory


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