
A Little Tuesday Wanderlust

Posted on: Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dear Amy,

Well, by now you are settled into your new home. And I am settled after a particularly busy week last week. So let's get this blogging thing going again, shall we? Loyal readers, you are fabulous for sticking around. Sorry for the lack of correspondence yesterday... and on that note, I don't think Amy or I have checked out collective email in a very long time. So if you emailed us, whoops! Sorry! I'll check that today.

All pictures from our first vacation (a road trip!) to Yellowstone.
Let's discuss road trips, shall we? Your move Miss Amy was inspiring. You traveled halfway across the country making good use of your pit stops (ha ha, who gets the pun?) along the way. For those of you who missed the pictures of Amy's road trip south, make sure to check out her Instagram feed. There are some amazing pictures of our beautiful country in that feed - and a few of her cutie pie pups too.

How amazing was it to be able to stop at some of the country's most beautiful locales on your AF mandated move? I will say, I'm a little jealous. Not only have my military moves pretty much consisted of cotton fields and dust and tumble weeds, but I also have only been to a handful of the gorgeous places you got to visit last week. Let's hope this next move for us lets us see some really beautiful spots. Or that it at least brings us closer to you.

What was your favorite road trip ever? Least favorite? Do you even enjoy road tripping? I must admit, I'm not much of a fan anymore. I used to be. Jon and I road tripped west to Colorado and Yellowstone for our very first vacation and spent a whole lot of time in that little Mustang of mine. But after living in Colorado and traveling to Michigan for major life events and holidays over the course of three years, I'm kind of over it. Although, maybe it's just because lately it seems like our road trips really just consist of getting from Point A to Point B as quickly as possible, leaving little time to admire the road along the way.

We missed you! I hope you're getting settled into your new home just swimingly. I can't wait to hear about it (and see pictures).

Your wanderlusting friend,


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