
Let's do this Summer

Posted on: Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dear Amy,

Awesome subject, my friend. Awesome. Seeing as though I live in a state of perpetual summer (literally... Mississippi is always steamy) my "summer" only ends when the calendar declares it Autumn, BUT we have some major changes happening in our house in September, so it kind of feels like the end of summer anyway. Also, bravo to you for making me stop and smell the popsicles. Because when you live in a state of perpetual summer, you start to become fixated on the sweltering heat, the sticky humidity, the sweaty brows (and legs, and arms, and ears... you get the picture). It's nice to stop and appreciate this warm season.

My beach on my favorite kind of stormy day.
And speaking of popsicles, I need to make some before the clock strikes Fall. Preferably something delicious like this Roasted Strawberry + Toasted Coconut batch. Or maybe a baby friendly batch. Something with bananas and coconut milk. (Or both. Definitely. Both.)

I need to get these (unmanicured) toes in the sand. I live a freaking mile and a half from the Gulf of Mexico, and have not had a beach day all summer. Now, don't get me wrong, I won't be swimming in the Gulf... the water is too murky here and jellyfish lurk, but I wouldn't mind bringing my chubby baby to the beach to play with some sand.

These cookies were good. But not perfect.
Find the recipe for the perfect chocolate chip cookie. Especially after coming across this.

Send off another chinese lantern or two. Maybe this time over the water!

Finish a stinking book. I swear, having a baby makes it SO HARD. But we're (the baby and I) working on getting through Peter Pan together - which I love. I also have a few nonfiction page turners I need to open up again. Summer is for lounging with a good book, isn't it?

And this one may be a long shot, since the bugs here are pretty atrocious (maybe I'll save this one for Winter) but I would love to have a farm to table dinner, lit by twinkle lights and candles, like this one. How romantic does that look? Romantic in the sharing-the-romance-with-your-friends-and-neighbors-PG way, not romantic in The Notebook way.

This kid's summer "have to" is to never leave the pool.
What about you, friends? What are your summer "have to's?"

And Amy, what are you looking forward to, after summer ends? (I love all your summer "have to's" by the way. Although, I'll trade you my sandy beach for your pebble shore. Because there is just something about a rocky beach that makes my heart sing.)



  1. Let's trade beaches definitely! Also, who would have guessed that Harry's first trip to the pool would turn out so swimmingly [pun intended]? Now he doesn't want to leave? It's a kid after my own heart [or something like that].


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